I haven't been posting in a while because I was trying to work. I actually earn up to a couple hundred dollars a month in my spare time online. You can earn money online to help pay for school, but that hasn't been working so well lately. I should have posted this before, but I still wasn't able to get all my documents authenticated from the Philippine Consulate in Saipan. The Attorney General gave me a difficult time authenticating my College of William and Mary diploma since it was written entirely in Latin. It think it may have helped that the former Attorney General was a William and Mary grad.
I still am undecided whether to have my parents try to get everything authenticated at the Embassy in D.C. or to try to do it myself in May when I get back to VA.
I still am undecided whether to have my parents try to get everything authenticated at the Embassy in D.C. or to try to do it myself in May when I get back to VA.